M. Lebœuf, S.E. Vargas-Abonce, E.Pezé-Hedsieck, E. Dupont,Jimenez-Alonso, K. L. Moya & Alain Prochiantz (2022). ENGRAILED-1 transcription factor exerts a paracrine neurotrophic activity on adultspinalord α-motoneurons. bioR;
C. Ravel-Godreuil, O. Massiani-Beaudouin, P. Mailly, A. Prochiantz, R.L. Joshi & J. Fuchs (2021). Perturbed DNA methylation by Gadd45b induces chromatin disorganization, DNA strand breaks and dopaminergic neuron death. iScience;
K. Arnaud, V. Oliveira Moreira, J. Vincent, G. Dallerac, C. Le Poupon, M. Richter, U.C. Müller, L. Rondi-Reig, A. Prochiantz & A. Di Nardo (2021). Choroid plexus APP regulates adult brain proliferation and animal behavior. Life Sci. All.;
C. Vincent, J. Gilabert-Juan, D. Alvarez-Fischer, M.O. Krebs, G. Le Pen, A. Prochiantz & AA. Di Nardo (2021). Non-cell autonomous OTX2 transcription factor regulates anxiety-related behaviors in the mouse. Mol.Psych.;
J.H. Harkness, A.E. Gonzales, P.N. Bushana, E.T. Jorgensen, D.M. Hegarty, A.A. Di Nardo, A. Prochiantz, J.P. Wisor, S.A. Aicher, T.E. Brown & B.A. Sorg (2021). Diurrnal changes in perineuronal nets and parvalbumin neurons in rat prefrontal cortex. Brain structure and Function. Brain Struct. and Funct.;
P. Pensieri, A. Mantilleri, D. Plassard, T. Furukawa, K.L. Moya, A. Prochiantz & T. Lamonerie (2021). Photoreceptor cKO of OTX2 enhances OTX2 intercellular transfer in the retina and causes photophobia. eNeuro;
R. Torero-Ibad, N. Quenech’du, A. Prochiantz & K.L. Moya (2021). OTX2 stimulates adult retinal ganglion cell cell regeneration. Neur. Regen. Res;
H. Kaddour, E. Coppola, A. A. Di Nardo, A. Wizenmann, M. Volovitch, A. Prochiantz & A. Pierani (2020).Extracellular Pax6 regulates tangential Cajal-Retzius cell migration in the developing mouse neocortex. Cereb. Cortex;
R. Torero-Ibad, B. Mazhar, C. Vincent, C. Bernard, J. Dégardin, M. Smonutti, T. Lamonerie, A.A. Di Nardo, A. Prochiantz & K.L. Moya (2020). OTX2 non-cell autonomous activity regulates inner retinal function. eNeuro;
I. Amblard, M. Thauvin, C. Rampon, V.V. Park, A. Prochiantz, M. Volovitch, A. Joliot & S. Vriz (2020). H2O2 and Engrailed 2 paracrine activity synergize to shape the zebrafish optic tectum. Commun. Biol.;
A. Planques, V. Oliveira Moreira, C. Dubreuil, A. Prochiantz & A.A. Di Nardo. (2019) Otx2 signals from the choroid plexus to regulate adult neurogenesis. eNeuro;
N. Thomasson, E. Pioli, C. Friedel, A. Monseur, J. Lavaur, K. L. Moya, E Bezard, A. Bousseau &A. Prochiantz (2019). Engrailed-1 induces long-lasting behavior benefit in an experimental Parkinson primate model. Mov.Dis.;
S.E. Vargas Abonce, M. Leboeuf, A. Prochiantz, &K.L. Moya (2019). Homeoprotein Neuroprotection of Embryonic Neuronal Cells. eNeuro;
J. Apulei, N. Kim, D. Testa, J. Ribot, C. Bernard, A.A. Di Nardo & A. Prochiantz (2019). Non-cell autonomous Otx2 homeoprotein regulates visual cortex plasticity through GADD45b. Cereb.l Cortex;
F.-X. Blaudin de Thé, H. Rekaik, E. Peze-Heidsieck, O. Massiani-Beaudoin, R.L. Joshi, J. Fuchs & A. Prochiantz (2018). Engrailed homeoprotein blocks degeneration in adult dopaminergic neurons through LINE-1 repression. EMBO J.;
H.H.C. Lee, C. Bernard, Z.Y. MA, D. Acampora, A. Simeone, A. Prochiantz, A.A. DI Nardo & T.K. Hensch (2017). Genetic Otx2 mis-localization delays critical period plasticity across brain regions. Mol. Psy.;
C. Bernard, C. Vincent, D. Testa, E. Bertini, J. Ribot, A.A. Di Nardo, M. Volovitch& A. Prochiantz (2016). A mouse model for conditional secretion of specific single-chai antibodies provides genetic evidence for regulation of cortical plasticity by a non-cell autonomous homeoprotein transcription factor. PLOS Gen.;
U. Nordström, G. Beauvais, A. Ghosh, B. Chakrapani, P. Sasidharan, M. Lundblad, J. Fuchs, R.L. Joshi, J.W. Lipton, A. Roholt, T.N. Feinstein, J.A. Steiner, M.L. Escobar, A. Prochiantz & P. Brundin (2015). Progressive nigrostriatal terminal dysfunction and degeneration in the engrailed 1 heterozygous model of Parkinson’s disease. Neurobiol. Dis.;
H. Rekaik, F.-X. Blaudin de Thé, J. Fuchs, O. Massiani-Beaudoin, A. Prochiantz & R. Joshi (2015). Engrailed homeoprotein protects mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons from oxidative stress. Cell Rep.;
C. Bernard, H.-T. Kim, R. Torero-Ibad, E.J. Lee, M. Simonutti, S. Picaud, D. Acampora, A. Simeone, A.A. Di Nardo, A. Prochiantz, K.L. Moya* & J.W. Kim (2014). Graded Otx2 activities demonstrate does-sensitive eye and retina phenotypes. Hum. Mol. Gen.;
J. Spatazza, HHC Lee, AA Di Nardo, L. Tibaldi, A. Joliot, T. Hensch& A. Prochiantz (2013). Choroid plexus-derived Otx2 homeoprotein constrains adult cortical plasticity. Cell Rep.;
M. Beurdeley, J. Spatazza, H.H.C. Lee, S. Sugiyama, C. Bernard, A.A. Di Nardo, T.K. Hensch& A. Prochiantz (2012). Otx2 binding to perineuronal nets persistently regulates plasticity in the mature visual cortex. J. Neurosci.;
D. Alvarez-Fisher, J. Fuchs, F. Castagner, O. Stettler, O. Massiani-Beaudoin, K.L. Moya, C. Bouillot, W.H. Oertel, A. Lombès, W. Faigle, R.L. Joshi, A. Hartmann & A. Prochiantz (2011). Engrailed proteins protect mouse midbrain dopaminergic neurons against mitochondrial complex I insults. Nat.Neurosci.;
A.A. Di Nardo, A. Joliot & A. Prochiantz (2020). Homeoprotein transduction in neurodevelopment and physiopathology. Science Adv.;
D. Testa, A. Prochiantz & A.A. Di Nardo (2019). Perineuronal nets in brain physiology and disease. Seminars in Cell and DevelopmentalBiology;
A. Di Nardo, J. Fuchs, R.L. Joshi, K.L. Moya & A. Prochiantz (2018). The physiology of homeoprotein transduction. Phys. Rev.;
C. Bernard & A. Prochiantz (2016). OTX2-PNN interaction to regulate cerebral cortex plasticity. Neural.plast.;
A. Prochiantz & A.A. Di Nardo (2015). Homeoprotein signaling in the developing and adult nervous system. Neuron;